Rug Care


Unpacking Rug

Your rug will most likely be a little squished from being rolled up and could arrive cold. Allow some time for your rug to warm up return to its original state. Putting pressure on areas that have been affected can speed up the process and help the rug return to its original state.


Wondering where to place your rug? Wool fiber is durable and does well in high-traffic areas. Viscose rugs tend to wear faster in high-traffic areas. Avoid placing your viscose rug in places where spills are likely to occur. Viscose rugs are sensitive to liquids.


Gently vacuum your rug 2-4 times a month. While brush rollers are great for lifting dirt out of large area rugs and carpet, they can be very harsh on wool and viscose rugs.

Stain Protection

You may want to consider treating your rug with a fabric protector. Fabric protectors help decrease the absorbency of nylon and wool rugs while simultaneously increasing their lifespan. Using fabric protector doesn’t guarantee that your rug won’t stain, but it can reduce the likelihood.


Shedding for wool and viscose rugs is normal. Wool rugs tend to shed as it is made out of short wool fibers that have been twisted together into a yarn. A wool rug will shed the most when it is brand new, and then shed less and less over time. Viscose fibers are fragile and shed easily. Over-vacuuming wool or viscose rugs can increase rug shedding and damage the fibers.

Nylon rugs don’t tend to shed but can sometimes produce some lint if overly vacuumed.


Treating Spills – Wool

  • Immediately lift away any solids from the rug. Do not rub the stain—that will only push the dirt deeper into the rug.

  • Use a dull edge like a spoon or spatula to get as much of the solid off the rug.

  • Blot any liquids with paper towels or dry cloth. Apply warm, not hot, water and blot with clean cloth. If there is mud on the rug–let it dry. It’s easier to remove it once it’s dried.

  • Use a wool-safe cleaner to clean the stain. Place a dab of the cleaner on a white cloth and gently scrub to remove any of the remaining residues, then rinse and blot.

Treating Spills – Nylon

  • Immediately lift away any solids from the rug. Do not rub the stain—that will only push the dirt deeper into the rug.

  • Apply warm, not hot, water and blot with clean cloth. Repeat until no stain is evident on cloth.

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Treating Spills – Viscose

  • This type of rug fiber is highly absorbent, spills are best attended to immediately. Pour water on the spill and lift with a rag or paper towel. Repeat as necessary.

  • Do not rub the stain. Gently absorb as much liquid as you can by blotting the area with a dry cloth.

  • We suggest getting your viscose rug professionally cleaned as viscose fiber is quite sensitive to water and certain detergents.